PH415 Computer Interfacing 2013
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High-Level Control: C++

Table of Contents

High-level Coding Concept

An introduction to the rich, robust, full and free pre-developed Arduino libraries and their language, C++. This introduction will set the experimenter up with an understanding of syntax, structure, and resource identification ability for Arduino-style programming.

Introduction to C++ Programming

  • Read the first four tutorials on the C++ Tutorial.
  • Using Arduino-style coding { pinMode() , digitalWrite() } construct the fastest possible oscillation
  • Observe and record (screen capture on oScope) the fastest possible oscillation, including frequency and p-p potential
  • Make a human-scale blinking led program
  • Using the { delay() , delayMicroseconds() } function attempt to produce two 78.125kHz output signals
  • Using the { millis() , micros() } function, output the same two signals


  • Provide a copy of completed code with desired results. This code will be tested on its ability to be compiled and run.
  • Compare the fastest possible oscillation frequency and form to that of the embedded C and ASM code.
  • Give a description (can be inline commented, but be verbose) of the process of creating two exact frequencies and the obsticles that arose when trying to accomplish this task. How did you solve the issue of timing these waves? Be specific by including code example.