PH415 Computer Interfacing 2013
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Analog to Digital Conversion

Table of Contents

Introduction to ADC

  • The purpose of an Analog to Digital Converter(ADC) is to take a continuous analog input signal and output a digital number corresponding to the amplitude of the input. The number output by the ADC depends on its resolution. For instance, an 8-bit ADC can output numbers between 0 and 255 if using unsigned numbers or -128 to 127 if using two's compliment. ADC's also run at a pre-determined sample rate. It is at this rate that the ADC takes a reading of the input and outputs a binary number.
  • Resolution and sample rate limit what the ADC can reliably and accurately convert to a digital signal. A higher resolution is required to distinguish smaller changes in the input. A higher Sampling rate allows one to measure higher frequencies. The maximum frequency an ADC can read is on that is half the sampling rate, this is called the Nyquist Frequency.

Internal 10-Bit ADC

  • Will be added later.